3 Keys to Transforming Safety and Organizational Performance
Utility organizations have an opportunity to transform their safety and organizational performance by adopting a proven strategy and approach. Engaging in these activities can help companies manage all types of risk holistically.

A Historical Review of Workplace Safety in the U.S.
While OSHA may sometimes make it difficult for businesses to do business, their rules are necessary for the safety of the American workforce.

Electrical Arc Flash and Shock Hazards for Fall Protection Using ASTM F887
Electrical Arc Flash and Shock Hazards for Fall Protection Using ASTM F887
The standard helps to ensure equipment safety in multihazard environments.
OSHA Electric Power Standards – Simplified | Part 6
De-energizing Lines and Equipment for the Protection of Employees
It’s critical for workers to understand the process of de-energizing lines and equipment to hold them clear.
9 Safety Axioms You Need to Know
Safety works with just the nuts and bolts, but not as well as it will if you apply these nine axioms. Too often we focus so much on the nuts and bolts of safety (e.g., grounding procedures, Ohm’s law, work methods for a pole-top rescue) that we lose sight of the big picture. There’s no […]
October-November 2021 Q&A
Q: We are contractors with a truck grounding question for work inside substations. Working within a proper clearance, the generation and transmission cooperative (G&T) that owns the transmission circuit coming into the substation believes 4/0 equipment grounding is needed, while the consumer utilities operating the substation say 1/0 or 2/0 is required. We sometimes are […]
System Grounding for Worker Protection Against Induced Voltages
In the last installment of “Voice of Experience,” we reviewed OSHA’s rules for transmission and distribution (T&D) equipment grounding. This time around, we are going to discuss where and how induced voltages occur and, more importantly, how to protect employees from hazards associated with induced voltages via proper system grounding. “It’s not dead until it’s […]
Eating the Elephant
There is an adage applied to seemingly insurmountable jobs: “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Of course, being quite literal, my first thought after hearing the adage for the first time was, “Won’t it spoil before you finish?” And that’s the problem with safety management. There’s too much to do […]