Managing Risk Through Cognitive Impairment Testing
Utility safety professionals have the duty to ensure a safe workplace for all employees. If that due diligence pays off, the result is consistently having few or no injuries on OSHA 300 forms year after year.
But no matter how well a safety program functions, incidents never completely stop occurring.

Establishing a Comprehensive Ergonomics Program During a Pandemic
Austin Energy and Healthworks Ergonomics were able to pivot and keep up the program’s momentum after COVID-19 hit the U.S.

Are Your Lessons Learned Making Your Workers Safer?
Reports of the incident travel like lightning through the company. There are no real details yet, just a statement that at 10 a.m. today, an employee of The Big City Project was seriously injured on the job. The event soon becomes the subject of coffee break conversations. “We’ve had a lot of serious incidents lately” […]
Improving Job Briefings
Enhanced briefings can lead to greater customer satisfaction, productivity, quality, safety and system reliance.
August-September 2021 Q&A
Q: We have been reading OSHA 29 CFR 1910.269 regarding two-man work, but we cannot find a definition for “routine switching.” We are under the impression that a trained troubleshooter can replace blown fuses in cutouts without a second man. Since it is not specifically mentioned in the exceptions, do we have this wrong? We […]
Understanding OSHA’s Rules for T&D Equipment Grounding
There seems to be a question of the month every month. Recently I’ve answered a lot of questions about when and how to ground distribution and transmission equipment, particularly bucket trucks, uninsulated line trucks and cranes. My standard response to those questions is, “What is required by the OSHA regulations?” I know some people do […]
Information Transfer: What’s Needed to Protect Affected Workers?
As with all the other articles in this series, when it comes to information transfer, it is important to start with the hazard. Individuals who work on or near electric power lines and equipment face a multitude of potential high-risk electrical hazards. Employers have the responsibility to identify and control known hazards to ensure worker […]
Who is Your Customer?
But first, this public service announcement. Summer is here, and if your organization doesn’t already have a policy on energy drinks, you should do the research and develop one. I had long been skeptical of energy drinks because I know that anything that artificially enhances body function always comes with consequences, especially if it’s overused. […]