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Why is FR/AR Compliance so Difficult? Or are we just over-complicating things

SPONSORED BY BULWARK FRJULY 24, 2024 @ 2PM ET Why is FR/AR Compliance so Difficult? Or are we just over-complicating things Which will include: Discuss common reasons for resisting the use of FR/AR clothing Discuss how organizational culture can complicate use of FR/AR clothing Explain the benefits and drawbacks of daily wear versus task-based programs Discuss effective ways to boost buy-in to your FR/AR program

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Virtual Training, Real Safety: Elevating Skills in Utility Operations

SPONSORED BY CM LabsMay 29, 2024 @ 1PM ET Virtual Training, Real Safety: Elevating Skills in Utility Operations Which will include: A deep dive into how simulation training addresses these real world high-risk situations How a combined fun training style and metrics-driven simulation can dramatically improve learning retention A better understanding of how proactive training approaches enhance safety, attract a younger generation, reduce damage to equipment, contribute to less downtime and profit loss, and more

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The Evolution Of Head Protection

SPONSORED BY BULLARDDECEMBER 13, 2023 @ 1PM ET The Evolution Of Head Protection Which will include: Exploring the Rich History of Head Protection Tracing the Evolution of Head Protection Over Time Materials and Techniques Shaping Modern Head Protection Unveiling Cutting-Edge Designs and Innovations in Head Protection

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Collaborative Strategies for Safety-Driven Procurement in Power & Utilities

SPONSORED BY AVETTAOCTOBER 18, 2023 @ 1PM ET Collaborative Strategies for Safety-Driven Procurement in Power & Utilities. Which will include: Discover strategies to ensure safety remains a core consideration in procurement processes Effectively communicate safety standards across widely dispersed facilities and workers Manage high-risk tasks, adapt to constantly changing regulations Enhance supplier sourcing and qualification within large, distributed areas

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