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iPi Monthly Forum for Utility Professionals

The iPi monthly forum is where you can get answers to questions you have from subject matter experts like David McPeak, Jim Vaughn, Danny Raines and other utility safety and ops professionals like yourself. Forums will include industry specific topics, challenges, trends, and solutions along with best practices in leadership, operations, and safety.



These tactics offer safety leaders the opportunity to gain more consistent engagement and support for their programs.
Despite widespread recognition of the importance of worker safety, gaining consistent buy-in for safety initiatives remains a significant challenge for many safety and operational leaders. Even with the best intentions and efforts, safety programs too often become temporary “flavors of the month” or are reduced to routine check-the-box activities. As a result, these initiatives frequently […]

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Holistic intro art
Assessing employees holistically provides an extraordinary opportunity to make a difference – in safety and beyond.
The national nonprofit organization provides resources, support and advocacy for families affected by work-related incidents and illnesses.

Neurodivergent workers may struggle to navigate work systems that don’t accommodate their needs, making them vulnerable to errors, accidents and injuries.
Editor’s Note: Incident Prevention readers’ initial reaction to the following article might be, “HIPAA?” You are encouraged to check for yourself, but HIPAA – the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – does not apply to the methodologies the author presents (see Incident Prevention recognizes that the author’s work is a deeper di…
Use of the Job Demands-Control model and Conservation of Resources theory can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
In the utility industry, workplace safety is of vital importance. Utility workers face numerous hazards daily, from working at heights and handling electrical equipment to operating in confined spaces and dealing with extreme weather conditions. To ensure the well-being of these essential workers, organizations must adopt a comprehensive approach that addresses both job characteristics and reso…
I was so excited when I became a journeyman lineman in the early 1970s. In those days, there was no such thing as a journeyman ticket – a union member or business agent would let you know that you had arrived. Seniority alone was the driver. I was a union lineman in IBEW 84/896 located in Maco…
Employers in our industry must have policies and procedures in place that align with OSHA’s qualified worker requirements. Each employer also must be able to defend its interpretation of those requirements. Many can’t do it. This is something I come across in almost every OSHA and civil litigatio…
We must positively reinforce success for it to be repeated.
The primary goal of safety is to prevent injuries. We achieve that goal in most cases, though our rare failures often overshadow our frequent successes. And while it’s essential to analyze failures and apply lessons learned, it’s equally if not more important to highlight and replicate our succes…
Q: Here in Australia, we recently read Jim Vaughn’s “Trainer the Trainer 101: Substation Entry Policies” ( We have a 415-volt substation on-site; its doors and cabinets are locked. However, we are not comfortab…

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Simulation technology offers many benefits, including its ability to reduce the likelihood of safety incidents.
Utilities and utility contractors highly value safety. However, labor shortages can sometimes corner field supervisors into making a judgment call about whether an equipment operator is ready for the task. If Foreman A believes an operator is ready after several weeks of training but Foreman B be…
Proper equipment setup is critical to both worker safety and productivity.
Utility workers face numerous challenges in their quest to build, maintain and improve infrastructure. One significant yet sometimes overlooked challenge is the risk associated with equipment instability. Crucial aspects of equipment setup include stabilization of the machine and selection of app…
These tactics offer safety leaders the opportunity to gain more consistent engagement and support for their programs.
Despite widespread recognition of the importance of worker safety, gaining consistent buy-in for safety initiatives remains a significant challenge for many safety and operational leaders. Even with the best intentions and efforts, safety programs too often become temporary “flavors of the mon…
Featured Products

Load-Break and Pickup Tool

The patented BREAK-SAFE is designed to add a functional and portable switch to a mechanical jumper. The BREAK-SAFE has three operating functions: load break, continuous current duty and load pickup. To keep personnel at a safe distance, the BREAK-SAFE is operated with an insulated fiberglass h…

Safety Management

Safety Teamwork
Despite widespread recognition of the importance of worker safety, gaining consistent buy-in for safety initiatives remains a significant challenge for many safety and operational leaders. Even with the best intentions and efforts, safety programs too often become temporary “flavors of the mon…
Figure 1 Strengths
Editor’s Note: Incident Prevention readers’ initial reaction to the following article might be, “HIPAA?” You are encouraged to check for yourself, but HIPAA – the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – does not apply to the methodologies the author presents (see…
goodwin article oct nov 2024
In the utility industry, workplace safety is of vital importance. Utility workers face numerous hazards daily, from working at heights and handling electrical equipment to operating in confined spaces and dealing with extreme weather conditions. To ensure the well-being of these essential work…
Willis article augsep24
Active shooter response training for utility professionals is a subject that shouldn’t be ignored. However, few subjects are as challenging or controversial. For decades, active shooter response training has been touted as a one-size-fits-all remedy that instills long-lasting, actionable survi…
Figure 1 Strengths
Neurodivergent workers may struggle to navigate work systems that don’t accommodate their needs, making them vulnerable to errors, accidents and injuries.
Editor’s Note: Incident Prevention readers’ initial reaction to the following article might be, “HIPAA?” You are encouraged to check for yourself, but HIPAA – the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – does not apply to the methodologies the author presents (see…
goodwin article oct nov 2024
Use of the Job Demands-Control model and Conservation of Resources theory can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
In the utility industry, workplace safety is of vital importance. Utility workers face numerous hazards daily, from working at heights and handling electrical equipment to operating in confined spaces and dealing with extreme weather conditions. To ensure the well-being of these essential work…
Willis article augsep24
Before implementing training, ensure program trainers will effectively address the unique circumstances faced by trainees.
Active shooter response training for utility professionals is a subject that shouldn’t be ignored. However, few subjects are as challenging or controversial. For decades, active shooter response training has been touted as a one-size-fits-all remedy that instills long-lasting, actionable survi…
Assessing employees holistically provides an extraordinary opportunity to make a difference – in safety and beyond.

An Inextricable Link: The Safety Benefits of Holistic Wellness in the Workplace

There is an inextricable link between employee safety and mental and physical wellness that is often overlooked. Taking a holistic view of your employees includes looking wholly at each person to better understand and address their mental and physical health challenges and related distractions th…
Assessing employees holistically provides an extraordinary opportunity to make a difference – in safety and beyond.
There is an inextricable link between employee safety and mental and physical wellness that is often overlooked. Taking a holistic view of your employees includes looking wholly at each person to better understand and address their mental and physical health challenges and related distractions that can affect th…
As organizations navigate an increasingly complex business landscape, the importance of frontline leadership development cannot be overstated.
Frontline managers are crucial because they bridge organizational goals and frontline employees. They significantly influence workplace dynamics and performance outcomes. In this context, my company surveyed 110 safety professionals and interviewed 10 safety professionals across various industrie…
This educational technique is ideally suited as a resource for those wanting to improve the effectiveness of safety training.
In a recent workshop with a client in southeast Louisiana, a breakout session reached a tipping point. The rhythmic flow of dialogue among the seven supervisors in the group found an unscripted but purposeful path of its own. The task given to the group involved identifying at-risk behaviors or s…
Few utility businesses currently meet all of the transformational ESG requirements, placing them at odds with the future of work.
Over the past few years, much has been written and discussed about the role of environmental, social and governance, commonly referred to as ESG. Investors and customers are increasingly applying these nonfinancial factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth op…

Worksite Safety

EnergyUnited SlotLock Setup
Utility workers face numerous challenges in their quest to build, maintain and improve infrastructure. One significant yet sometimes overlooked challenge is the risk associated with equipment instability. Crucial aspects of equipment setup include stabilization of the machine and selection of app…
In the world of utility work, where daily tasks often involve inherent risks, the need for a robust support system for workers’ safety and welfare cannot be overstated. This is where the United Support & Memorial for Workplace Fatalities (USMWF) comes in. Established with a mission to honor t…
Images courtesy of CM Labs
Utilities and utility contractors highly value safety. However, labor shortages can sometimes corner field supervisors into making a judgment call about whether an equipment operator is ready for the task. If Foreman A believes an operator is ready after several weeks of training but Foreman B be…
jooma hoagland article oct nov 2024
Hand protection has evolved in recent times, perhaps making the greatest advancements in the past decade. Although the primary focus of this article is hand protection for electrical shock and arc flash hazards, it also explores the multihazard protection incorporated into newer-generation hand p…
The national nonprofit organization provides resources, support and advocacy for families affected by work-related incidents and illnesses.
In the world of utility work, where daily tasks often involve inherent risks, the need for a robust support system for workers’ safety and welfare cannot be overstated. This is where the United Support & Memorial for Workplace Fatalities (USMWF) comes in. Established with a mission to honor t…
Images courtesy of CM Labs
Simulation technology offers many benefits, including its ability to reduce the likelihood of safety incidents.
Utilities and utility contractors highly value safety. However, labor shortages can sometimes corner field supervisors into making a judgment call about whether an equipment operator is ready for the task. If Foreman A believes an operator is ready after several weeks of training but Foreman B be…
jooma hoagland article oct nov 2024
Subject matter experts provide updates on the evolution of hand protection for electric utility workers.
Hand protection has evolved in recent times, perhaps making the greatest advancements in the past decade. Although the primary focus of this article is hand protection for electrical shock and arc flash hazards, it also explores the multihazard protection incorporated into newer-generation hand p…

The Dangers of Distraction: Staying Focused in a High-Risk Environment

Working in a high-voltage environment means working in a high-risk environment. Doing so demands technical expertise, attention to detail and unwavering focus. When your mind wanders in such an environment – even for a split second – the consequences can be catastrophic. Understanding the High-Risk Environment Whether it’s in a power generation plant, a substation, or a transmission or distribution setting, a high-voltage environment is inherently hazardous. Workers are routinely exposed to electrical potential that can cause severe electric shocks, arc flashes and burns. Equipment main…
Scott Perrin
Scott Perrin
The holiday season is a wonderful time to spend with family and friends and to reflect on our gratitude for all the blessings we have. The joy and love we share during this magical season often graces us with memories we’ll cherish for years to come. But once the holidays are over and Monday r…
Jennifer A. Martin
Jennifer A. Martin

Outdoor workers across various industries face numerous hazards on the job site. One sometimes overlooked yet potentially deadly threat is lightning. A leading cause of weather-related deaths in the United States, lightning strikes pose a significant risk to workers, surroundings and equipment. A…
Dan Gibson
Dan Gibson

Mental Rehearsals: Responding to Heat Emergencies

Bill Martin, CUSP, NRP, RN, DIMM
Bill Martin, CUSP, NRP, RN, DIMM

The Best Practice

R. Neal Gracey
R. Neal Gracey

Saving Lives with Quality CPR

Bill Martin, CUSP, NRP, RN, DIMM
Bill Martin, CUSP, NRP, RN, DIMM
We must positively reinforce success for it to be repeated.
The primary goal of safety is to prevent injuries. We achieve that goal in most cases, though our rare failures often overshadow our frequent successes. And while it’s essential to analyze failures and apply lessons learned, it’s equally if not more important to highlight and replicate our succes…
Overcoming legacy culture and fostering psychological safety requires an accurate assessment of where you have been, where you are now and where you want to be.
A trainer, speaking to trainees at the start of class: “Welcome, class. You are encouraged to ask questions and participate. Remember, if you have a question, 15% to 20% of the class probably has the same question.” A trainee, a few hours later: “I have a question.” The trainee then asks the t…

Train your frontline workers in this type of planning and execution using the energy wheel and the hierarchy of controls.
Are the things that hurt people the same as the things that kill people? Should safety focus on preventing serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs)? In this article, I’m not going to attempt to answer either of those questions. Instead, I’m going to do two other things. First, I’ll provide you with…
Begin every day and every task safely.
Stop-work authority is crucial in our industry. Understand me when I say this: If people aren’t using stop-work authority, they don’t have that authority even if it’s promoted on a bulletin board somewhere. With that said, I want to propose START (self, task, assess, reduce, thrive) work autho…
I was so excited when I became a journeyman lineman in the early 1970s. In those days, there was no such thing as a journeyman ticket – a union member or business agent would let you know that you had arrived. Seniority alone was the driver. I was a union lineman in IBEW 84/896 located in Maco…
To emphasize the critical importance of the meter base checkout procedure, this installment of “Voice of Experience” will cover the proper procedures for (1) checking out a meter base before setting a self-contained meter on new services and (2) resetting a meter after it has been removed and the…
Over the course of my career in the utility industry, I’ve often been asked what tasks lone workers are allowed to perform on their own. It’s sometimes a hotly debated topic – both legally and ethically – and the answer is very much based on the employer. Each employer determines which tasks are …
Over the years, I have received many questions asking what it takes to become a journeyman lineworker after being hired as an apprentice. In response, I have prepared the following overview of the skills training I believe needs to be covered. Please note that this is only an overview; some compa…


Q: Here in Australia, we recently read Jim Vaughn’s “Trainer the Trainer 101: Substation Entry Policies” ( We have a 415-volt substation on-site; its doors and cabinets are locked. However, we are not comfortable allowing entry to the substation without some control over who is able to enter and the qualifica…
Q: We are looking for some direction and opinions regarding SF6 gas switches. The SF6 switches we use on our campus are older and starting to pose problems. Some are leaking and others are very difficult to operate. Can you help? A: Sulfur hexafluoride, or SF6, isn’t a topic or problem we can effectively deal with in this venue, but we can offer some direction along practical lines as SF6 ha…