T-Line Safety System
Elk River’s T-Line Safety System is a horizontal and vertical lifeline system in one. The installation is quick and easy with spans up to 40 or 80 feet, with no tensioning or adjusting required. The T-Line is suitable for permanent or temporary locations and is very easy to reinstall or move to other locations. The innovative design of the system allows two lifelines on separate self-retracting and self-locking spools. The reels move in opposite directions as the user moves horizontally or vertically. One line pays out while the other retracts. The T-Line will not lock at low speed, allowing the user to move about freely. However, if the user should fall, the pulley brake grips the line and prevents pendular swings. The unit has an integrated rescue winch for easy rescue if a fall should occur. A video is available at www.elkriver.com/cat-81-1-237/t-line-systems.htm. The T-Line is a great horizontal fall protection device for working off platforms with no handrails; storage tanks; and tops of trucks, airplanes, buses and service bays.
Elk River www.elkriver.com