Operator Safety Courses
Altec Sentry operator safety courses teach you to operate Altec units safely. Each aerial and digger derrick includes five free Sentry course uses, making it simple to complete the classroom portion of ANSI general training and familiarization requirements.
To complete your training, a qualified person also must evaluate hands-on proficiency in actual operation. Altec Sentry’s instructor-led training options make that easy. Our instructors can teach you about the safety features, control functions, operating characteristics and inspection requirements for your Altec unit. Ultimately, that helps you avoid accidents and prevent injury and equipment damage.
Our train-the-trainer courses can give your instructors the firsthand knowledge to start training your operators immediately. You’ll also get access to our Sentry Online training system to assign courses and view training results.
We can come to your location and train on the equipment your operators use every day. Or, come train with us at our St. Joseph, Missouri, or Birmingham, Alabama, facilities. For cranes, digger derricks, aerials or chippers, there’s a flexible scheduling option to fit your training needs.
Altec Sentry www.altecsentry.com