Lift-Front Hoods for Arc Flash PPE
Cementex, the safety tool specialists, recently announced the release of a new lift-front hood in their Ultralight Series of Arc Flash PPE. The lift-front hoods provide a larger viewing area through the updated clear gray color shield, and they remain compatible with Cementex’s innovative hood ventilation system, which helps to reduce the risk of dehydration, especially in hot weather conditions.
The new lift-front face shield of this hood provides a larger viewing area through which users can see the energized equipment. By enhancing the viewing area, the new lift-front hood design helps to minimize accidental contact with energized, hazardous conductors. The lift-front shield must remain latched while operators are within the hazardous area around energized equipment, but it can be lifted when safely away in order to more easily facilitate breaks.
Breaks are needed less frequently by users of Cementex PPE. All Cementex Arc Flash PPE is compatible with an innovative ventilation system that ensures greater air circulation, provides cooling, reduces the risk of dehydration, and makes long-term wear easier and safer for users.