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Timpson Training JOOMLA

High-Voltage Training

 |  Kate Wade  |  ,

Timpson Training JOOMLAUtilities already know the value of energizing their training yards, but until now they may have been unaware that there is a safe solution. The Timpson High Voltage Training Unit provides a way to allow real energized high voltages to be applied to aerial and underground primaries at a nonlethal current level in your training yard. These voltages allow the trainee to know they made a mistake and trainers to identify training opportunities.

The training unit is designed to energize your yard to full voltage, automatically de-energize in fewer than 60ms with a current threshold of 1.5mA, and measure current changes down to 60 microamps. The unit is incorporated into the training yard and includes an accompanying HMI display that monitors opening times and trip currents, recording the number of shorts and keeping historical track of test records. Tracking this data allows your users to analyze each mistake by each individual for follow-up instruction, develop an overall database that will help you to determine the most common sources of errors, and refine your training curriculum to focus on the problem areas and improve safety outcomes.

Timpson Electrical & Aerial Services