Fleet Safety Driving Course
Virtual Driver Interactive’s fleet driver training program, Advanced Driver Safety, is a simulation-based course focusing on the most common causes of crashes among fleet drivers. These include backing, hazard detection, distracted and drowsy driving, and inclement weather. This fleet-centric program offers a wide variety of drivable vehicles, such as pickups, bucket trucks and vans, allowing your drivers to train in the same vehicles they use every day. Your drivers will train in a variety of environments and weather conditions.
The Advanced Driver Safety course is self-paced and fully self-contained, utilizing a virtual driving instructor who provides instruction and correction throughout the course. The program measures a wide variety of infractions in a consistent and unbiased manner, ensuring each driver gets the same level of training.
Advanced Driver Safety also includes a driver management reporting program that tracks the progress and performance of each driver. An instructor can follow their driver’s progress through the course and be provided assurance through post-assessment tests that their driver has mastered the skills. www.driverinteractive.com