Evacuation and Self-Rescue Training
Companies should have a rescue plan for all their workers at height. In this one-day work-at-height training course, workers in aerial lifts/mobile elevating work platforms will learn how to evacuate and perform a true self-rescue even after a fall. The Evacuation & Self-Rescue Training course concentrates on the various usages of the SRK-15 (a CE- and ANSI-certified kit) and the StepWise Arc Flash Lanyard. Each student will learn to inspect and operate the dual-brake personal descender within the self-rescue kit, as well as adjust the kit to their own body weight in order to keep the kit event-ready in case of an emergency.
Each student must have appropriate PPE, including a full body harness, dual leg lanyard and any personal fall protection devices normally used. This is a one-day course; a maximum of six students per instructor will be able to enroll. All Tech Safety Lines’ rescue training programs meet or exceed OSHA and ANSI safety standards. https://techsafetylines.com/training/courses/evacuation–self-rescue-training-utility