Virtual Reality Safety and Compliance Training
J. J. Keller & Associates Inc. has announced the release of virtual reality (VR) training, now available in the J. J. Keller Training online solution. Accessible with a compatible VR headset, this new training format allows learners to navigate realistic simulations of safety and compliance situations they may encounter in their jobs.
J. J. Keller’s VR training offers various benefits that set it apart from other VR training. Most notably, it fits seamlessly into J. J. Keller’s existing training ecosystem. Customers can enroll learners in VR courses and track their performance in the J. J. Keller Training solution alongside online e-learning, streaming video and classroom program formats.
Customers can also use J. J. Keller’s standard training enrollments on VR training. This is the same type of enrollment used on J. J. Keller’s other training formats. There is no need to purchase any kind of special enrollment at an increased price to enroll learners in VR courses.
At launch, J. J. Keller offers 16 VR training programs, including arc flash (flashover); confined space entry; hot work; lockout/tagout; and trenching and excavation safety. https://demo.jjkellertraining.com/training-options/virtual-reality-training