Transformer and Capacitor Tester
The Transformer and Capacitor Tester developed by Hastings, a global supplier of hot-line tools and equipment, ensures the safety of hot-line workers so they can perform their jobs with confidence.
Utilized to test the condition of transformers and capacitors before placing them into service, the Transformer and Capacitor Tester also aids in troubleshooting in-service units. By detecting failures in equipment before loading and transporting to the job site, as well as eliminating the blowing of cutout fuses to determine the condition of the equipment, the product provides operating personnel a safe and reliable method to verify that transformers or capacitors are not shorted or open prior to energizing.
The magnetized back feature enables lineworkers to use their hands to install and remove cables and clips. Along with the built-in push-button test feature for use prior to equipment application, the Transformer and Capacitor Tester has four bright LEDs that signal the condition of the equipment being tested.
Additional product information can be found on page 503 of Hastings’ online catalog.