Super “U” Arm Extensions
Hastings, a worldwide manufacturer of hot-line tools and equipment, understands that every day has the potential to bring the unexpected to lineworkers. That is why Hastings designs every product – including our Super “U” Arm Extensions – with safety in mind.
The Super “U” Arm is designed with a profile “U” shape for greater strength and durability. The many features and benefits of the Super “U” Arm make it the best and most cost-effective extension arm available, according to Hastings. All arms include insulated conductor holders to ensure dielectric integrity.
Arms are rated for 34.5-kV phase-to-phase work applications. Arms with the standard conductor holder will accept conductors up to 1-1/16-inch O.D. or up to 800 MCM. Arms with the large-capacity conductor holder can accommodate a conductor inside a line hose. The gate latch on the large-capacity holder has an opening of 2 5/8 inches.
The Super “U” design is stronger than the traditional-style round extension arms. All Super “U” Arms and Super “U” Conductor Supports have a load limit of 200 pounds per wire holder. Interchangeable hanger loop kits are available for the different sizes of crossarms on your system.
Super “U” Arm Extensions can be found on page 307 of Hastings’ online catalog. www.hfgp.com