Tim D. Self, CUSP

Tim D. Self, CUSP

Using Best Practices to Drive Safety Culture
During the years that I have worked with power companies as a safety and training consultant, I have seen a lot of missed opportunities to create a strong safety culture. Most of us have a keen eye for what the next best practices for compliance may be, and we are good at implementing them, but […]

That’s What I Meant to Say: Safety Leadership in Communication
Individually, the disciplines of safety, leadership and communication each encompass a broad range of specialized experience. Yet, if we look at the relationship between the three disciplines, we can create a general understanding of how safety and leadership are directly impacted by communication in a specific work environment. Defining leadership can be a difficult task; […]
Safety Leadership in a Written Pre-Job Briefing
OSHA 1910.269(c) states that an employer must ensure that a pre-job briefing is conducted and that it covers the following details of the job: • Hazards • Work procedures • Special precautions • Energy source controls• Personal protective equipment requirements A Valuable IdeaCompanies are moving to a written pre-job briefing to document compliance with OSHA […]
Taking Stock of Your Fall Protection Compliance
Resonating throughout the industry today is an increasing concern regarding fall protection compliance – a key component of any powerline safety compliance program. Fall protection compliance has four essential elements: training, proper use and maintenance, inspection and documentation. Drawing from manufacturers’ specifications and OSHA standards, this Tailgate is a comprehensive resource to assist your organization […]