About the Authors: Derek Sang, CSHEP, QSSP, is the senior technical training manager for Bulwark Protection. He has served the FR/AR clothing industry for more than 25 years. Reach him at derek.sang@bulwark.com.
Allison Bloodworth is Bulwark Protection’s director of merchandise. She has spent the last 25 years merchandising and developing apparel. Reach her at allison.bloodworth@wwof.com.
Innovations in FR/AR Clothing: Elevating Comfort for Optimal Performance
In the utility industry, the reliance on flame-resistant (FR) and arc-rated (AR) garments has been a longstanding practice to safeguard workers against arc flashes and flash fires. Crafted from specially engineered, self-extinguishing fabrics and adhering to stringent testing standards, these garments play a crucial role in preventing or minimizing the severity of injuries. You should […]